Thursday, May 28, 2009

Installment 1 - The joys and terrors of combination skin

In this blog I'll be discussing many beauty problems, solutions, quick fixes and even home remedies for all of your beauty woes.

For our first installment, I'd like to discuss combination skin. Any search around beauty ads or even the internet will yield practically the same result: oily t-zone, dry everything else. But none of these seem to take into account other factors. For example a reverse combination (ie. dry t-zone, oily everything else), sensitive skin, wrinkles, acne and blotches. It seems like your options are stunted if you have any of these issues, but there are a few things you can do to care for your funky skin.

For starters, find a good all-over cleaner. I'd recommend trying something natural and/or moisturizing. Natural face washes often have less of a drying effect, but still give your oily spots a good cleaning. A personal favorite is Burt's Bees Orange Essence cleanser. It feels like you're rubbing in lotion, but always leaves your skin feeling clean, soft and smelling delicious. It's suggested that you wash your face twice a day, but this may be too much for your dry areas, so just test washing twice a day for a week or see, and see how your skin responds.

Next, find a very gentle exfoliant. For this I would recommend St. Ives apricot scrub. They offer sensitive scrub as well as scrubs for aging and blemish control; whatever you choose, this tends to be fairly easy on your skin if you are careful how hard you press while washing. You could also try those vibrating cleanser devices and use your regular cleanser. Whether you use either of these products, or find something else you prefer, be sure to exfoliate once a week, focusing on your dry areas; even your lips.

Now for a moisturizer... this tends to be a problem if you have sensitive skin. If that is the case for you, focus on lotions that are free from fragrance... this is a given to many people, but a lot of folks forget this fact. Also, try for an oil-free lotion. Depending on your level of sensitivity, oils can cause you to either break out, or turn into a walking rash. When using regular lotion, focus on your dry areas, and leave the oily areas bare. Of course, if you plan on going out, be sure to find a very fine, fragrance free SPF lotion, and apply very lightly to your oily areas.

These are just some very basic tips for weekly usage. In our next installment, we will discuss occasional beauty treatments to pep up your skin, and keep you fresh and beautiful.

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